Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Orang yang sudah tua = Childish!

Memaafkan adalah 1 kata yang sangat simpel dan gampang untuk diucapkan. Anak TK saja bisa mengucapkan kata itu. Tapi orang dewasa saja belum tentu bisa untuk benar2 memahami kata itu.

Beberapa hari ini...berapa kali saya berusaha memaafkan orang lain karena tindakan mereka yang menyebalkan? Dan berapa banyak orang yang mau memaafkan atas tindakan saya yang menyinggung mereka. 

Seorang mami kedua saya sering mengatakan : "Memaafkan tapi tidak melupakan"
nah... kadang saya dituntut untuk memaafkan seseorang. Dan ketika pada suatu worshop saya ditanya, "sampai batas mana kamu mau memaafkan orang tersebut?". saya terdiam cukup lama...
Akhirnya saya menjawab, bahwa saya akan memaafkan orang tersebut sampai saya melupakan bahwa orang tersebut pernah menyakiti saya.

Teorinya sih gampang sekali. Pada prakteknya tidak sulit. Hanya amat sangat sulit. 
Berapa hari terakhir ini justru emosi saya gampang terpancing. Dimana akhirnya sifat batu saya yang keluar dan akhirnya justru membuat saya harus menyakiti orang disekitar saya. Dan entahlah apa orang2 tersebut mau memaafkan saya...

Ironis. Kadang saya bertanya2. Batasan mana sih yang menunjukkan sesuatu itu benar atau salah?! Ego manusia kadang menuntut untuk selalu membenarkan setiap perbuatannya. Dan kemunafikan sebagai manusia juga kebanyakan selalu membenarkan orang yang kita sukai.

Beberapa hari ini orang dikeliling saya membuat saya kesal dan memancing emosi saya. Seperti pagi ini. Rasanya ingin kembali membalas argumen2 dari mereka. 

Kehidupan yang menyebalkan. 

Kenapa justru orang yang tua justru sikapnya jauh dari kedewasaan. Mereka mencari teman atau saudara yang mau mendukung mereka. Dan ketika mereka tidak setuju dengan ide saya, haruskah mereka maju berdua untuk menentang saya?????



Orang dewasa itu tidak pernah ada yang adil. Mereka itu selalu merasa benar. Merasa lebih tau. Merasa berpengalaman. Tapi mereka lupa. Jika mereka dulu adalah sama dengan saya sekarang. Mereka lupa kalau mereka juga pernah tergelincir dan jatuh!!!!

Dan ketika posisi saya sudah terpojok sedemikian rupa haruskah saya tetap memaafkan mereka? Huh..boro2 memaafkan. Justru amarah yang ada di dada saya!!!!!!! Grrrrrrr....

Read My Mind by Sweetbox

Read my mind
Read my mind
In your eyes you look so weary
Fighting light with dark and dreary
And even though you can't hear me
I'll still sing
You go to church and pray on Sunday
You think your sins are cleaned up that way
Don't you know forgiveness just begins with you

Chorus :
If you could read my mind
Just read my mind
Then you could see
What's behind my eyes
If you could read my mind
Your hands untied
Cause the battlefield is tired

Get a little bit stupid sometimes
Get a little bit jealous sometimes
Sometiomes I'll be unfair but that's just me
I know that I'm not hiding
And I won't let your chains bind me
Because prefection is not the point of this

Back To Chorus

If you could read my mind
Just read my mind
Then you could see
What's behind my eyes
If you could read my mind
Your hands untied
Cause the battlefield is tired

If love made sense
Then I think there would be a book
To tell us who is really right and wrong
But I don't want something simple
I don't want to sing a normal song

Let's just close our eyes and let it be
Cause the battlefield is tired

Back To Chorus

Let's just close our eyes and let it be
Cause the battlefield is tired

Cinderella by Sweetbox

Cinderella are you really that happy
Cinderella are you really that lucky
I wanna know
 is your life like you dreamed

Here I am
Trying to find my way
I've kissed so many frogs but I've never found a prince
I think they lied
I was promised much more than this
Where's my happy-ever-after?

Chorus :
 Cinderella is the queen of a kingdom
got the dream she was dreamin'
I wanna know where is my happy end
Cinderella got a prince and a kingdom
 got the dream she was dreamin'
I wanna know where is my fairy-tale?

Something's wrong
'cause all my glass shoes break
And no one's ever helped
this damsel in distress
To help with this
I'm not gonna waste more time
I won't wait to find prince charming
Back To Chorus

Cinderella are you really that happy
Cinderella are you really that lucky
I wanna know
 is your life like you dreamed (2x)

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Gomenasai by T. A. T. U.

What I thought wasn't mine
In the light
Wasn't one of a kind,
A precious pearl
When I wanted to cry
I couldn't cause I
Wasn't allowed

Gomenasai for everything
Gomenasai, I know I let you down
Gomenasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

What I thought wasn't all
So innocent
Was a delicate doll
Of porcelain
When I wanted to call you
And ask you for help
I stopped myself
Gomenasai for everything
Gomenasai, I know I let you down
Gomenasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

What I thought was a dream
A mirage
Was as real as it seemed
A privilege
When I wanted to tell you
I made a mistake
I walked away
Gomenasai, for everything
Gomenasai, Gomenasai,
I never needed a friend,
Like I do now
Gomenasai, I let you down
Gomenasai, Gomenasai,
Gomenasai till the end
I never needed a friend
Like I do now

Not Gonna Get Us by T. A. T. U.

Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us!

Starting from here, let's make a promise
You and me, let's just be honest
We're gonna run, nothing can stop us
Even the night that falls all around us

Soon there will be laughter and voices
Beyond the clouds over the mountains
We'll run away on roads that are empty
Lights from the airfield shining upon you

Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
they're not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
they're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us, gonna get us, gonna get us..
(Not gonna get us)
They're not gonna get us (gonna get us, gonna get us!)
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us, gonna get us.
Not gonna get us
(Not gonna get us)
Get Us, get us..
(Not gonna get us)

Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us

We'll run away, keep everything simple
Night will come down, our guardian angel
We rush ahead, the crossroads are empty
Our spirits rise, they're not gonna get us

My love for you, always forever
Just you and me, all else is nothing
Not going back, not going back there
They don't understand,
They don't understand us

Not gonna get us, gonna get us, gonna get us (gonna get.. get us.)
Not gonna get us (gonna get.. gonna get..)
Not gonna get us, gonna get us..
Not gonna get us

Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
they're not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
they're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
(Not gonna get us)
They're not gonna get us, gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
(Not gonna get us)
Not gonna get us, get us
Not gonna get us, get us
Not gonna get us"

All About Us by T. A. T. U.

They say,They don't trust
You, me, we, us
So we'll fall
If we must
Cause it's you, me
And it's all about
It's all about

It's all about us (all about us)
It's all about
All about us (all about us)
There's a thing that they can't touch
'Cause ya know (ah ah)
It's all about us (all about us)
It's all about
All about us
all about us
We'll run away if we must
'Cause ya know
It's all about us (It's all about us)
It's all about love (It's all about us)
In you I can trust (It's all about us)
It's all about us

If they hurt you
They hurt me too
So we'll rise up
Won't stop
And it's all about
It's all about

It's all about us (all about us)
It's all about
All about us (all about us)
There's a thing that they can't touch
'Cause ya know (ah ah)
It's all about us (all about us)
It's all about
All about us
all about us
We'll run away if we must
'Cause ya know
It's all about us (It's all about us)
It's all about love (It's all about us)
In you I can trust (It's all about us)
It's all about us

They don't know
They can't see
Who we are
Fear is the enemy
Hold on tight
Hold on to me
'Cause tonight

It's all about us
It's all about
All about us
There's a thing that they can't touch
'Cause ya know (ah ah)
It's all about us (all about us)
It's all about us (all about us)
It's all about
All about us (all about us)
There's a thing that they can't touch
'Cause ya know (ah ah)
It's all about us (all about us)
All about us
It's all about us (all about us)
It's all about
All about us (all about us)
There's a thing that they can't touch
'Cause ya know (ah ah)
It's all about us (all about us)

It's all about us (all about us)
It's all about
All about us (all about us)
We'll run away if we must
'Cause ya know (ah ah)
It's all about us (all about us)
It's all about
All about us (all about us)
We'll run away if we must
'Cause ya know (ah ah)
It's all about us (all about us)

It's all about us (It's all about us)
It's all about love (It's all about us)
In you I can trust (It's all about us)

It's all about us