Kamis, 14 April 2011

Ya Soshla Uma by T. A. T. U.

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona


Menya polnostyu net
Absolyutno vser'ez
Situastsiya help
Situastsiya SOS

Ya sebya ne pojmu
Ty otkuda vzyalas
Pochemu, pochemu?
Na tebya povelas

Vyklyuchaestsya svet
Ya keuda - to lechu
Bez tebya menya net
Nichego ne khogu

Eto medlennyj yad
Eto svodit s uma
A oni govoryat - vinovata sama
A oni govoryat - vinovata sama

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona


Bez tebya ya ne ya
Bez tebya menya net
A oni govoryat
Govoryat et bred

Eta solnechnye yad
Zolotye luchi
A oni govoryat
Nado srochno lechit

Ya khotela zabyt do upora I vniz
Ya schtala stolby I Rusteryannykh ptits
Bez tebya menya net, otpyasti otpyasti
Do ugla po stene mama-papa prosti...

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona

Raz, dva posle pyati
Mama papa prosti
Ya so-shla s u-ma
Raz, dva posle pyati
Mama papa prosti
Ya so-shla s u-ma

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzha ona, mne nuzha ona

Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma...

I need her, I need her

I am fully gone
Absolutely serious
Situation help
Situation SOS

I wont remember myself
Where did you come from?
Why? Why?
All luck is on you

The light is turning off
I am flying somewhere
Without you there is no me
I don't want anything

This is slow poison
It will wreak havic
But they say - it's her fault
but they say - it's her fault

(Я сошла сума is hard to translate, it's when you're crazy and mad, the best I can do is:)
I went crazy, I went crazy
I need her, I need her
I went crazy, I went crazy
I need her, I need her


Without you I am not myself
Without you there is no me
But they say
They say this is nonsense

This is slow poison
Golden rays (of light)
But they say
It needs to quickly be fixed

I wanted to forget those times and days
I counted the pillars and the confused birds
Without you there is no me, let go let go
Along the wall until the corner, mother - father I'm sorry

The also this part. It means "One Two after Five."
Since it's easier I found the lyrics in Cyrillic of the internet much easier than this Latinized Russian, it's not appropriate and phonetics aren't the same.

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